Seasoned Advice for Youth Athletes
Are you an athlete age 13-24 who struggles with performance anxiety, workload balance, nutrition, willpower, procrastination, or whatever…?
Words of Woodski
I choke during competition
Hey Woodski! Lately, I’m better in practice than I am in competition. During practice, I’m relaxed and focused. But during matches, everything falls apart. What’s going on?D. Jitters, age 20...
I choke during competition
Hey Woodski! Lately, I’m better in practice than I am in competition. During practice, I’m relaxed and focused. But during matches, everything falls apart. What’s going on?D. Jitters, age 20...
Stamina for 8 runs per day
Hey Woodski! During competition, I have eight runs in a day. I find myself getting tired. Is there something that I can eat to help me finish strong?Running on Empty,...
Stamina for 8 runs per day
Hey Woodski! During competition, I have eight runs in a day. I find myself getting tired. Is there something that I can eat to help me finish strong?Running on Empty,...
Bad breath
Hey Woodski, Help! I floss and brush my teeth daily, but I still have bad breath. So embarrassing!!Halitosis, age 14 (basketball) Dear Halitosis, This sounds like more than your basic...
Bad breath
Hey Woodski, Help! I floss and brush my teeth daily, but I still have bad breath. So embarrassing!!Halitosis, age 14 (basketball) Dear Halitosis, This sounds like more than your basic...
My sister gets all the attention because she's ...
Hey Woodski, My sister is a soccer player and we are ALWAYS going to her practices and games. It’s starting to bother me that she gets all the attention and...
My sister gets all the attention because she's ...
Hey Woodski, My sister is a soccer player and we are ALWAYS going to her practices and games. It’s starting to bother me that she gets all the attention and...